Lawyer Contact Number & Contact Details

Need legal help? If you’re facing legal challenges, contact Kaleem Javed at BizLaw for expert legal advice and support. Kaleem Javed is a highly experienced lawyer with understanding of various legal issues, ranging from business law to personal injury cases in Pakistan. He can provide the legal guidance and court-room representation you need.

03260942446 is the lawyer contact number (Kaleem Javed).

All he care is about making sure you’re happy and getting good results. He know legal stuff can be confusing and stressful for people in Pakistan, so he will surely give you clear advice that fits your situation. Just reach out to Kaleem Javed and talk about your legal needs. You can contact him by calling at above phone number or emailing him at provided email address in contact page. Let Kaleem Javed and his team at BizLaw guide you through the legal system with confidence and calmness.

BizLaw senior lawyer press conference

Lawyer Number in Lahore For Your Legal Issues

If you are searching for legal lawyer in Lahore, you’ve come to the right place. With over 10 years of experience, Kaleem Javed handles a wide range of legal matters, such as family issues like divorce and child custody, business disputes, contract talks, property deals, and personal legal concerns. He understands how important it is to find the right lawyer who is best for your legal needs. Kaleem is committed to making the process simple for you. You can reach out directly to Kaleem Javed to start solving your legal issues effectively. Trust Kaleem Javed to support you with his knowledge, dedication, and focus on what’s best for you during your legal case.